When solving complex problems, trying out different ‘prototypes’ is an unavoidable part of achieving the optimum solution.
All tagged Problem solving
When solving complex problems, trying out different ‘prototypes’ is an unavoidable part of achieving the optimum solution.
The solution to a problem is not always as obvious as it first appears to be.
In solving one problem it’s often easy to create a new and unintended one as a consequence. Just ask the ‘Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations’ in Australia.
Which is the best approach? Looking under a ‘microscope’ or gazing through a ‘telescope’?
Don’t have a boardroom filled with brilliant and experienced thinkers? Then create your own.
Sometimes we’re better off looking for existing solutions to our problems rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. Or the joystick for that matter.
When it comes to solving problems or making creative breakthroughs it can be helpful to think with a childlike mindset.
What does a pub in Soho called the John Snow have to do with the first case of epidemiology?
Creativity doesn't just happen on its own. Here's what it really takes to be consistently brilliant.
Correctly defining a problem is the most critical step in solving it. Failing to do so can lead to a solution being implemented that does more harm than good.