The actually pretty rad thing about sea snails #StuffWeLearn

The actually pretty rad thing about sea snails #StuffWeLearn

Sea snails can surf the waves to get away from predators.

Previews for other movies used to play after the major feature film being shown. Not a fantastic understanding of user experience, but points for etymology (why things are named the things they're named) because we still know them as TRAILERS.

Only 1721 people have swum the English Channel, which is fewer people than have reach the summit of Mount Everest. The distance of 21 miles (33.8km) usually takes these intrepid paddlers about thirteen and a half hours, after they get greased up - literally covered in goose fat to keep hypothermia at bay.

And last but not least, all humans are only born with two innate fears - loud noises and the fear of falling (the Moro reflex). That's it. Not spiders, not public speaking, not ghostly pale creatures with dark eyes and pointy teeth. Every single other thing you might be afraid of has been conditioned into you over your life. Take all socialisation away and we're basically fearless! Unless, of course, you hear a door banging and take a bit of a tumble.

What can a kid do better than Siri? #StuffWeLearn

What can a kid do better than Siri? #StuffWeLearn

Is it "now" everywhere in the world?

Is it "now" everywhere in the world?