Military gamification and other #FridayFunFacts

Military gamification and other #FridayFunFacts

It's Fun Facts Friday!

Rumour has it that one the questions Y Combinator asks their accelerator applicants is "What's something interesting that your founder has recently found out?" So when your startup takes over the world, don't forget to invite us to the yacht party, mkay?

Oxford university is older than the Aztec Empire. That's right, stuffy academics bedecked in leather elbow patches have been lecturing since before virgins were sacrificed atop a square pyramid (well, the Aztec ones at least).

Speaking of Oxford, some students there set up a rather innovative delivery service in 1985. What did they deliver? Condoms. Their slogan was, "we'll come before you do."

You may have nephews and you may have nieces, but the combined plural form of these is "niblings".

The US navy have started to use xbox controllers to control submarine periscopes. Previously, they used specialised joysticks that cost more than $100,000 but the crew found them hard to use. Xbox controllers cost about $50, are much more accurate, easy to use, and can be bought pretty much anywhere in the world.

Henry Ford’s mass production process for the world’s first mass produced car, the Model T, was inspired by a visit to a Chicago meat packing plant where he observed the overhead trolley system that the Chicago packers used to move the beef carcasses around the plant.

That's all folks, good luck with your Y-Combinator applications!

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