Create more. Consume less.
““You cannot control your own population by force, but it can be distracted by consumption.” ”
It’s easy to consume. It’s a lot harder to create.
The feeling of one can be shallow and short-lived. The other is likely to be deeper and longer-lasting.
In today’s world, it’s a lot easier to do the former.
Our eyes are bombarded with information everywhere we go.
How much higher is this figure in 2021?
The mind boggles.
It’s become so easy to click on a blog link, scroll through someone’s feed or like an Instagram post that precious hours can slip by.
Granted some of the content will be of value. But most of it isn’t.
And then there’s Netflix.
The company’s founder said the streaming giant's biggest rivals aren't Amazon, YouTube or even traditional broadcasters.
According to Reed Hastings, our need for sleep is actually their main barrier.
It doesn’t take long to realise that watching stuff can become a compulsive behaviour which leaves us always wanting more but never feeling satisfied.
This is because we were born to be creators.
Long before we acquired the ability of language, we made things with our hands.
This is something you can observe in childhood development - the earliest phases of our lives are preoccupied with using objects to create make-believe worlds.
Accessing the creative side of ourselves as adults can, therefore, be a distinctly positive experience.
A chance to forget the responsibilities and pressures of adulthood and retreat into a world of play and fantasy creation.
Now, more than ever, it’s important to create a world where we prioritise creation over consumption.
It will leave us happier and more fulfilled.
The time has come to create more and consume less.
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