Jay Baer podcast on marketing with empathy, a good strategy

Jay Baer podcast on marketing with empathy, a good strategy

Empathetic marketing?


Isn’t marketing just about getting people to buy things that they don’t need?

Not that old line again!

Of course, marketing is about increasing conversion rates, but many companies are reassessing mindset, strategy and actions required to achieve those successes.

Contemporary marketing thought leaders are very focussed on the empathy required to be at one with your tribe of customers.

All about empathy marketing

Seth Godin extols the idea that marketing should be about the benefits for the people you ‘seek to serve’.

Jay Baer has been in marketing for 3 decades and his track record is all about walking in the customers’ shoes.

Consider some of the marketing books Jay has authored…

In YOUTILITY, rather than thinking how to make your products seem more exciting, Jay urges marketers to ask the question, “How can we help?”.

Can there be anything more empathetic?

HUG YOUR HATERS teaches marketers how to embrace complaints, put haters to work for you, and turn bad news into good outcomes.

In other words, the exact opposite of an aggressive reaction… which some might say should be classified as empathy.

And TALK TRIGGERS outlines the precise formula for developing a word-of-mouth marketing strategy to activate customer chatter.

To have surprise and delight for your customers as the primary driver in your strategic planning, you’ve got to be extremely empathetic.

Talk Triggers is jam-packed with case-studies of businesses that had the balls to go that extra mile and do something really special… for every customer.

It’s not easy.

If it was, every company would be doing awesome things that turn their customers into volunteer marketers.

But the examples in Talk Triggers will give you the inspiration to dream up a marketing strategy that produces a little bit of gold for every customer experience.

Jay Baer podcast on Talk Trigger marketing

In this podcast, Jay Baer explains how three companies do something that are so obviously beneficial for their customers that it seems crazy why their competitors wouldn’t do the same.

But creating a genuine and authentic talk trigger has to evolve from strategy - it takes a bit of (empathetic) thinking.

Click here for the AUDIO version to listen wherever you get your podcasts.

And to learn more about Marketing Strategy, check out our course which is accredited and certified by Cannes Lions.

In it, you’ll learn the insights and methods behind successful marketing strategies, with the necessary practical skills and templates to help you plan, execute and measure your own campaigns.

You will learn the fundamental practical methods covering everything from the research phase, to objectives, KPIs, customer journeys, to briefing and evaluation.

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