32 Reasons To Be Happy - Part Three

32 Reasons To Be Happy - Part Three

The media's job is to keep us in a perpetual state of fear. Good news doesn't get anywhere near the same exposure as bad news. Here are some amazing stats about progress in the world to put you in a better mood. 

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we examined 16 positive changes in the world.

In Parts 3 and 4, we will examine the flip side: 16 bad things that have been decreasing over time.  

Because bad things on the decline are essentially the same as good things improving, right?  

So, without further ado, here are the first 8 bad things that are, thankfully, decreasing:

1. Legal slavery - the number of countries in the world (out of 194) where forced labour is legal or practised by the state has decreased from 193 in 1800 to 3 in 2017.  Source: Gapminder, Pinker, ILO & SDL

2. Oil spills - the amount of oil (in 1,000 tons) spilt from tanker ships has declined from 636 in 1979 to 6 in 2016. Source: ITOPF

3. Cost of solar panels—The average price of PV models ($/Wp) has fallen from $66 in 1976 to $0.6 in 2016. This is quite astonishing, really!  Source: OurWorldData based on Lafond et al

4. HIV infections - new infections per million people have dropped from 549 in 1996 to 241 in 2016.  Source: Gapminder based on UNAIDS

5. Children dying - the percentage of children passing away before their 5th birthday has declined from 44% in 1800 to just 4% in 2016.  Source: Gapminder based on UNHGME & HMD

6. Battle deaths - the number dying in battle per 100,000 people has fallen from 201 in 1942 to 1 in 2016.  Source: Gleditsch, PRIO, Correlates of War & UCDP

7. Death penalty - the number of countries in the world (out of 194) with the death penalty has dropped from 193 in 1863 to 89 in 2016.  Source: Gapminder based on Amnesty & Pinker.

8. Leaded gasoline - the number of countries in the world (out of 194) permitting lead in gasoline has dropped from 193 in 1986 to just 3 in 2017.  Source: Gapminder based on UNEP & ILMC

Can you think of any other examples? Please share them in the comments below. 

32 Reasons To Be Happy - Part Four

32 Reasons To Be Happy - Part Four

3 common biases that impede effective problem solving

3 common biases that impede effective problem solving