Boost your happiness by asking yourself these five questions

Boost your happiness by asking yourself these five questions

1. What are the simple things that make me happy?

In seems obvious but most of us do not write down what makes us happy. It’s a straightforward but helpful exercise. When you’re at a loose end or having a tough day you can return to the list and pick an item off it. It could be reading a book, watching a film, heading out to a gig or seeing some stand-up comedy. 

2. What’s the one thing I could change right now to be happier?

Take some regular exercise. Start a gratitude journal. Talk to a good friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Book a holiday. Small changes compound over time to make big impacts. 

3. What can I eliminate from my life that makes me sad?

Have you overcommitted yourself to too many activities? Dropping one could help give you some breathing space. Is there a friend who is always dragging you down? Maybe it’s time to cut them out of your life? Is it time for a change of career that's more aligned with your passions and beliefs? 

4. When was I happiest in my life and why?

Look back on your life so far and analyse the moments of your greatest happiness. What was going on? What was it that was making you feel fulfilled? Have you lost touch with any of those elements? Which of these can you re-introduce back into your life? 

5. What can I do to make someone else happy?

Being kind to others is scientifically proven to boost our own happiness levels. Try and perform one act of random kindness a day such as complimenting someone. You’ll soon feel the positive effects on your own wellbeing.

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Better yet check out ‘The Happy Course’ from Meik Wiking and the incredible Happiness Research Institute.

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