10 Further Questions To Ask Yourself
“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.”
Many of us let others dictate our life choices.
We go with the ‘accepted wisdom’ when it comes to our education, careers and lifestyle.
Then, one day, we wake up feeling frustrated.
Often, the source of this dissatisfaction is not apparent; we know we aren’t feeling 100% but, we don’t exactly know why.
So what’s the solution?
It comes down to asking ourselves the questions that generate some discomfort but always lead to the most helpful answers.
To illustrate this point more effectively, have a go at answering the following questions:
1. When is the last time I remember crying tears of joy?
Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? Think about your responses to these questions and work out how you can create the environment for them to happen more frequently.
2. How could I create my dream job?
What’s your ideal job? Instead of thinking of applying for it, how could you go about creating it? The internet has lowered the barriers to entry to the world of work, making it easier than ever to shape the job you desire most. Don’t leave the decision to someone else.
3. What is the one itch I most want to scratch?
What’s the one thing you’d most like to try? It doesn’t matter what it is. Break down the steps involved to achieve it and go do it!
4. What am I most insecure about?
Your insecurities hold you back from realising your full potential. What it is that you’re most unsure about? Write it down and then think of ways in which you can tackle it head-on. It takes guts, but the reward is worth it.
5. What will I wish I'd started doing ten years from now?
We’re hopeless at planning for the future. This affects everything from our finances to our health. What are some good habits you can start today to put yourself in an advantageous position in ten years? Thought starters include daily exercise, keeping a journal, saving money each month, paying into a pension, and meditation.
6. If I could take a year off with no negative consequences, what would I spend it doing?
Once you have the answer, think about how you could go about making it a reality. How can you save up enough money to take a year off?
7. What are the three things that matter most to me?
This is an excellent question for getting your priorities right. It’s impossible to do everything perfectly as there isn’t enough time, so what three things deserve your focus? Life, after all, is about choices. Make sure you’re making the best ones for you.
8. If I could make one wish, what would it be?
What’s the single thing you wish for most? Is it something you can control? If it is, time to focus some energy on doing so. If it isn’t, then don’t spend time worrying about it as it’s out of your hands.
9. What needs the most work right now? My finances, my health, my career, or my relationships?
The answer to this question can help you focus on tackling the one thing that’s causing you the most anxiety currently. Fix it, and you’ll find you have enough energy to do other things.
10. What am I most grateful for?
We spend too much time focusing on the negative. Therefore, it’s healthy to reflect on what it is you’re most thankful for in life. It’s always good to improve but not at the expense of recognising what we already have.
Reflecting on your answers to the above questions is very informational.
Whilst they might be challenging, they will offer you the keys to unlocking greater levels of happiness.
By the way, it’s more than ok to not have the answers to all of them.
The point is that they encourage you to think carefully about the essential things in life and how you can make changes for the better.
Good luck!
If you enjoyed this post, then be sure to check out the first part of this blog series ‘10 Big Questions To Ask Yourself.’