Is this the ultimate prescription for well-being? —
Is this the ultimate prescription for well-being?

Is this the ultimate prescription for well-being?

It’s true that laughter really is cheap medicine. It’s a prescription anyone can afford.
— Steve Goodier

Is there such a thing as the ultimate prescription for well-being?

As with anything, you have to be wary of the word ‘ultimate’. It’s a word that often promises more than it can deliver. 

Nevertheless, there seem to be a number of things that help to improve your sense of well-being. The trick is to make them habits so they have long-lasting effects. 

But the real power lies in combining them. Stacking one upon the other will result in an outcome greater than the sum of its parts. 

The list below is a selection of these small things that you can start doing to improve your life.

It is by no means exhaustive. 

There will be things that you can add to it. And some you may wish to discard. 

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”

It’s up to you to be a scientist, to put yourself in your laboratory. It’s your responsibility to carry out trials to see what works best for you.

The other thing to remember is not to expect immediate results. 

Also, don’t worry about trying to fit all of them in each day. Just repeatedly practising a few will lead to tangible results over time. 

What can be guaranteed is that doing none of these things will result in unhappiness, restlessness, tiredness and a sense of frustration.

A prescription for well-being:

  1. Exercise regularly 

  2. Spend time walking in nature 

  3. Quit alcohol 

  4. Socialise regularly 

  5. Do things for others 

  6. Volunteer for charity 

  7. Practice gratitude 

  8. Eat well 

  9. Sleep well 

  10. Quit social media 

  11. Practice mindfulness

  12. Read good novels 

  13. Write 

  14. Travel 

  15. Create a routine 

  16. To-do list 

  17. Plan ahead 

  18. Quit sugar

  19. Quit coffee

  20. Laugh 

If you found the above info helpful then you will almost certainly enjoy our course on mental fitness and wellbeing, or our course in Happiness.

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