The world is full of encouraging signs of progress.
All by Jake Courage
Why the world really is a better place than it used to be
Being aware of these biases is a key step towards becoming a better problem solver.
Today’s world has more to be happy about than the media would have you believe.
Examples of why the world isn’t such a terrible place after all.
Before implementing your problem solving solution ask yourself “What could go wrong?”
The threat of incoming German bombers forced a brilliant bit of lateral thinking.
A simple problem solving exercise to encourage diversity of thinking.
How a small calculation error led to NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter burning up in the Martian atmosphere.
Incentives don’t always lead to good behaviour.
The true story of how the famous British explorer convinced his men to eat sauerkraut.
How much of an excuse do we need to act criminally? Not much it turns out.
How a simple checklist can help you to avoid a disastrous outcome.